Manifest A Soulmate Step Two

Manifest A Soulmate Step Two

Manifest A Soulmate Step Two

This article is a continuation of July’s series on how to attract your most loving and compatible partner ever. It’s how to Manifest A Soulmate Step Two.  As I wrote in the previous article, everyone has a soulmate. In fact, most people have multiple soulmates,  but it depends on what your purpose is as to whether or not you manifest one of your soulmates or, on the other hand, your twin flame.

Don’t Compromise

You should never compromise on having what you want. The only thing that prevents you from having it is the belief hat you can’t have it. You don’t have to settle for someone who is merely compatible. If he or she is merely compatible but not perfectly matched in every way, you’re not going to make it through the many years that one hopes to spend with their life partner. There must be some spark between you if you’re going to be together for that long.  Raise the bar – be choosy. Don’t settle for good enough when good enough won’t keep you there for long enough.

Why on earth would anyone settle for anything less than full-on, passionate soulmate love?  I realise that people do settle for less, but why do they feel that they need to do that? I guess for some women, finding someone who can provide financial security is more important than finding a soulmate. They may have grown up without a father who provided a financially secure home, so they are driven by this fear. But heck, what a horrible compromise to have to make in life.

What Is A Soulmate?

What is the definition of a soulmate? A soulmate is someone with whom we grow, and they are often here to help us learn lessons. Sometimes a soulmate will do negative stuff in our lives, but it’s because there’s a lesson to learn from it all. In the spiritual dimensions, they are usually one of our soul brothers or sisters. They are people who journey with us through life, either for a short period of time or for the whole of our lives.

Most people will unite with at least two or three soulmates during their lives. Usually, the only thing standing in the way of this union is you (and possibly divine timing). Sometimes circumstances will delay you being together but ultimately, you will find one another.

How Does a Soulmate Act?

Your soulmate will be highly supportive of you, make you feel more yourself than you’ve ever been. You will be wildly excited about them and have crackling chemistry. If you have done the work to process your shadow, the relationship will flow easily with minimum fuss or drama. If you’ve had a lack of success in past relationships, you might find that the successful union of a soulmate relationship might take some getting used to. Taking the steps that are in this series of articles will make love happen quicker for you.

If you have begun to put into practice what you’re learning in this month’s articles, you find or attract your soulmate. The people who have previously followed these steps are now in happy relationships. You too can walk hand-in-hand with your very own One!!

Let’s Continue with Step Two

Give up trying to figure out how.

When you set an intention, as you did in Step One, it takes on a life of its own. And usually, it happens in a magical way that you could never have dreamed of, much less have engineered for yourself.

What It Is

In some schools of spiritual training, when someone is trying to figure out how something will happen it is called ‘outlining’. Outlining is unnecessary, and the more you effort to try to make something happen, the less connected you will be. Not only do you make it unnecessarily hard on yourself but you can even thwart yourself by focusing too much on how love will happen.

You limit your good when you say that “love has to happen like this”. Or “my friends all tell me that I have to do on-line dating or I’ll never find love”, and then you go ahead and sign up, even though you just hate it. Love is unpredictable. Often we get disheartened when it doesn’t happen the way that we hope it will. We start to doubt and become despairing. This blocks the flow of manifesting what you want and gets in the way. The trick to making it all work is to get out of your own way. Just let it all go, and leave it up to the Universe to orchestrate for you.


Larissa wanted to bring in a soul mate who would love and accept her exactly the way she is.   So she started listening to affirmations that convinced her mind that she could have what she wanted. But then, she started driving herself crazy. She thought she needed to give the Universe a nudge. So she joined a matchmaking service, attended their parties regularly and taped a video profile. Nothing came out of this, and she let herself slide into despair.

Larissa was sure that love would happen through this avenue and used it as a measure of failure. She constantly worried that she wouldn’t meet her love and was scared to miss a single party for fear her One would be there. I asked her to resign from the CMAT club (Can’t Miss a Thing Club) and chill. She did, and then met her love in the most unlikely place imaginable — while taking out the garbage at her apartment complex. There she was in a scarf and sweats when she met Chris, the hottie who lived two floors up. The rest is history, and they traded in their single apartments for a bigger one and moved in together in the same complex!


Do an inner inventory on any ways that you might be outlining, trying to figure out how love will happen or how it should happen. Catch yourself the next time that you start to fall into this pattern. Let go of trying to figure it out and instead tell yourself, “Love will fall magically right into my lap. It is done and I don’t have to try and manipulate it into happening.”

~.* *.~

The first novel in our series of seven is now published, and is a courageous story of a young teen growing up in a home filled with domestic violence, and how she manoeuvres her way through such a difficult situation. Click here if you’d like to know more about this novel.

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