Becoming Able to Love

Becoming Able to Love

Becoming Able to Love is a giant benefit in not only your life, but everyone’s life around you. However, creating a mindset that can love is quite a challenging task. Humans are all born with a positive mindset, but it is the influential people in their environment that decides whether they keep the positive mindset or not.

The Good And Bad

Developing your ability to love produces a holistic benefit to the whole body. Going through the process of learning how to love overcomes all limiting beliefs and brings over-all good health. That same process also encourages every individual to face their Shadow head-on. More on that in other articles.

Anyway, let’s say for instance, if you keep reading optimistic themes or books, you can use them as your guide. Therefore, you will be filled with good thoughts that inspire you. You also have the chance to absorb good vibrations transmitted if you purposely mix among inspirational people.


With developing the ability to love while maintaining positive thinking, you’ll also be able to handle all the negative things that come your way. You’ll become resolute in your refusal to be controlled by pessimistic thoughts or restricting beliefs.

In addition, once you find real love, you will also understand the need for affection of other people. You will also know how to value the love of your mother and other people around you. However, finding a true love also provides some negative effects.

The Flipside of True Love

If you become attached to someone in particular, because you’ve fallen in love, you’ll always have certain feelings come up. When in a relationship you should know your limitations. You have to love both your partner and yourself as well. If your partner loves you back, then, there will be no problem at all. But, if your partner cheats on you and does other hurtful things, it is best to think wisely and consider the best thing to do.

Love Can Be An Obsession

In some ways, love can make you feel uncomfortable. It can make you feel kindhearted and share the discomfort of someone else’s pain. It may possibly encourage you to feel jealous or sad. For some, they will feel hungry for someone else’s affection. Sometimes, missing someone can lead to sorrow and may distract you from the things that might need your full attention.

Becoming Able to Love may bring positive and negative effects in life. It is affected by how you apply the given situations. If you want to make your life happy and contented, then, you will always aim to choose to do right actions. Love tests your boundaries, and pushes you to grow to your fullest potential. It’s highs are very high, and it’s lows can be very low, but as Kahlil Gibran says, Love threshes you until you are whole.

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The first novel in our series of seven is now published, and is a courageous story of a young teen growing up in a home filled with domestic violence, and how she manoeuvres her way through such a difficult situation. Click here if you’d like to know more about this novel.

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