Love is not Violence
A healthy relationship is based on equality, mutual respect, shared responsibilities, and commitment. It involves open communication, trust, and healthy boundaries. These traits are not inherent in most relationships. They must be learned, practiced, and worked toward for the duration of the relationship.
Relationships are not perfect. Feeling angry, hurt, or upset at times is normal. But feeling scared, humiliated, pressured, or controlled is not the way a relationship should make you feel. Instead, you should feel loved, respected, and free to be yourself.
It is important that teens and young adults understand the qualities of a healthy relationship — with friends as well as with dating partners. This information can be especially helpful if you have witnessed or experienced violence between your parents, have been in an unhealthy or unsafe dating relationship, or have friends in unhealthy relationships.
On our website you can find information that you need to understand the difference between healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships, how our culture promotes images of each, as well as other forms of violence.
You can make a difference by proactively speaking out against domestic violence and sexual assault in your community. Start with yourself – be an example to your friends and family about how to solve problems without violence.
Get involved by becoming a peer mentor, OR create a poster campaign in your school, university or workplace about healthy relationships, OR create a public service announcement for your community. There are some resources on our website for you to use if you click on the link called Tools. For those who feel very strongly about this subject you can participate in your local domestic violence/sexual assault programs awareness activities. Check with your local community centre for how to offer your assistance.