Support Us by Donating

Support Us by Donating

If you’d like to Support Us by Donating, please make a donation to our cause or buy one of our items for sale, the profits of which will cover our running costs. To donate, please click on the Paypal button to the right here: (on the sidebar of the site).

Or, visit our main site at to see how you can help us in other ways.

Help us Raise Funds

Please feel free to use our online diary which is free to use at the moment. You can find it here at . If you require an online diary, this is one way you can support us by paying a monthly fee of $30.

If you would like to help us raise funds, you are invited to purchase the first novel in our series of seven, which was published in February 2016. It is a courageous story of a young teen growing up in a home filled with dysfunction and domestic violence. She attends a school where she’s bullied and harassed, and the story tells of how she manoeuvres her way through such difficult situations. Click here if you’d like to know more about this novel.

Click here if you’d like to be taken to the site where you can purchase this novel.

Our Safety Watch

Other ways of supporting us will be to purchase our safety watch which will be available in 2019. They are designed to alert the police to the danger of a stalking ex-partner. Both adults and children can wear them. We will be able to tell you more when these watches become available in March of 2019.

We’re planning to create a teaching tool for young teens who are going through the dating process. It will be created as a game with the same or similar quality as the xbox game Life Is Strange. We’ll also create a similar teaching tool that helps women who are in violent relationships. From playing the game, they will learn how to deal with the situations that they find themselves in. Keep an eye out for that when it comes along. The sale of this product will not only help abused women. but will contribute towards the costs involved in housing those whom we assist.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

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If you’d like to join our Match Making Service to meet that special someone with whom you can share love and happiness, please see our website at . We’re still in the process of creating the site and setting up the service, but soon you’ll be able to join. It will be a service that includes organised dinners and dancing, so get ready to meet your Most Perfect Match.