Love is Nourishment in Itself

Talk given by Osho to a group of his students in December 1987 (The talk begins with one of the students asking Osho a question) “Beloved Master, can you please talk about the art of nourishing oneself with Love? I feel so much love for you! Is this enough?” Osho answers with the following: Deva Continue reading

Why Storks Deliver Babies

The Story of the Stork There is a lot of mystery around the story of the Stork bringing the baby to its mother.  Of all the postings on the internet about this particular topic, none of them have ever made reference to the verse in the Bible that talks of the two female Celestial Beings Continue reading

Child Abuse through Religion

Mothers, be careful how you deal with your children.  You do not have a right the threaten or cajole a child into doing what you want using anything other than your OWN authority. You cannot bring other people  into your demands for good behaviour, for example, saying things like ”what do you think the neighbours Continue reading