Breathe Love

breathe love

Breathe Love

MR ©

The concept of breathing in love has merit, because it teaches people who are new on the path of developing their spirituality that it is possible to be totally filled with love.  However, I’d like to take that understanding one step further and open your mind to the next level.

The notion that love is something that you get from outside of yourself is only a part truth – it isn’t the full facts of the matter. It’s a great place to start by breathing in love and filling your whole being with love, but beyond that is the concept of becoming love.

We can become love when we tap into the Divine source via our heart chakra. At that point in our development we will no longer need to breathe love in because by then it will be a part of who we are anyway – it will eminate from within us, not from breathing in something that is outside of us.  So the real trick is to open up the heart chakra enough so that we can have a continuous flow of love back and forth from the source that it originates from. Once this has been achieved, the more advanced way to work with breath is to breathe in, fill our lungs with air, hold it for a moment while the air gets soaked in Divine Love, and then breathe it out on those around us. Why should we hold the air in the lungs for so long? Because the lungs are directly in the region of the heart chakra, and so therefore by holding the air inside the lungs for a few seconds the air gets imbued with Divine love because of the immediate proximity to the heart chakra.

There is a reference to Jesus breathing out love on his disciples in the book of John in the Bible. Here it is:

“So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” – John 20:21-22
Jesus understood how to use his breath.  He understood that by having his heart chakra open and connected to the source of Christ Consciousness he could use his breath to imbue others with love and to heal them.
The aim for us is then to open our hearts and then use our breath silently to blow love upon others. I use the term blow rather than breathe because Stuart Wilde often referred to breathing love on others, although he taught to “blow” love on others, not to “breathe” love on others.  In this article here The Feminine Spirit Vision you will notice him refer to blowing love on others in the very last sentence of the article.  Blowing the love of Christ Consciousness (by imbuing your breath with love from a heart that is open and connected to Source) is what it means to blow love on others, but first you have to have made that connection through your heart if you desire to do this.
It’s a goal worth working towards, because once you are connected to the source of Divine Love it doesn’t cost a cent to walk down the street and silently heal people as you go. Opening your heart chakra takes time because it involves going deeply into that part of ourselves that is wounded and needs healing, and it’s a journey that many people begin but do not follow through with.  It’s painful to look at our wounds and heal them. It’s not an easy journey, and it takes a tremendous amount of energy, courage and dedication to finish the work once you start.  However, those who do complete the inner journey end up with a heart that is open and loving and able to bring the Light of Christ Consciousness into their daily lives in order to heal others. Their presence on earth then becomes a real gift to the world.
golden breath of life