Why Argue?

Why Argue?

Why Argue?

Why Argue? This is a topic I know a lot about. I watched my mother and father argue about anything and everything, often with my father turning violent when they did. when I became aware of what I was doing and the reasons why I was doing it that I was able to make a conscious effort to change. It’s a challenging process to go from finding energy outside of you to bringing it forth from within, however it can in fact be done. There is a centre of energy at our heart that is never-ending that will provide us with all that we need if we begin to remember how to do access it.

Energy Theft

I remember being very little and feeling an urgent sense to push my mother away whenever she would attempt to give me a hug. I would scream and shove, which no-doubt caused her a great deal of hurt and confusion. However, from a very acute sense of knowing what was really going on when she would want to hug me, I was protecting myself from her energy-draining ways. I couldn’t express what I was doing at the time because I didn’t know how to describe what I was feeling and why I would react the way I did. All I knew was that her hug wasn’t loving – it was needy, and I didn’t want her stealing my energy.


To explain what I mean, I’ll relate it to the relatively recent fascination with Vampires that we see in the movies these days. It is no co-incidence that Vampires are so popular in fiction and in movies. Novelists and Hollywood writers tend to tap into the mass consciousness of the people and provide messages via stories. They do this in order to give clues and much needed information to their viewers and readers at that particular point in time. They also tell us what is actually going on in the world in the form of science-fiction and conspiracy movie plots, but that is another story for another article.


The fascination with Vampires stems from the fact that on an energy level, the world is full of Vampires. You might even be one yourself, although you might not realise it. A great mass of uncleared issues have gathered within humans alive today (passed down from generation to generation), that need to be brought to the surface and cleared. While ever these issues remain uncleared, what we have in humanity is a great pain that often manifests as neediness in one way or another.


Essentially, people who were unloved throughout their childhood go on to become adults who need to suck on the energy of others in order to make it through the day. This energetic Vampirism manifests in many forms, some of which I’ll name here: co-dependency, drug addiction, rage-addiction, eating disorders, gambling addictions, alcoholism, becoming a sexual predator, and finally, domestic violence (just to name a few).

Sucking on Energy

Instead of learning to discipline oneself and having boundaries, people suck on the energy of others. They don’t learn to remain calm throughout most of the day. Instead, humans who are essentially energy Vampires will create all sorts of dramas in their life. This in order that they can pull energy from a situation.

There are a number of ways that this is done. They could start an argument with someone. Or, they might seduce someone sexually in order to get an energy fix from a casual sexual encounter. Or worse, they might take sex from someone who is unable to say no, such as a child or someone who has such low self-esteem and confidence that they cannot say no. Perhaps they love out of neediness rather than a sense of being whole and complete and bringing that wholeness to the relationship in order to share themselves with another.

Breaking the Pattern

My mother didn’t realise what she was doing, but I knew. I wasn’t able to express myself at the time about what I was feeling. All I knew was that I had to keep her away from me because her hugs weren’t nourishing. They were quite draining, in fact. Poor Mum, she’d been through such a difficult life as a young girl and missed out on the loving she needed in order to become whole, that it drove her to marry an abuser and then become the same kind of abuser that she herself had been forced to experience. I have made it my mission not to have children until I am capable of breaking the pattern of abuse that ran generation after generation through my own family.

Love Is Concentrating Upon Another

There are many reasons why people grow up half-finished, so to speak. “Love” is concentrating upon another human being, directing energy at them until they feel worthy of who they are. When parents fail to do that for their children – either because they don’t know how to, or because they have no love within themselves to give to another, or because they are out working to make a living and don’t have time to – the children don’t get the love that they need in order to become whole.


As education became available to more and more people, the human potential movement began to emerge where psychology and self-development topics were written of and delved into. This has been a very good thing. It has helped humanity to evolve.

Yet another major road-block now prevents humanity from evolving fully. Humans have been engineered to want things. To own stuff. Their obsession with having to work to earn money to own things takes time away from the really important role of parenting. How can a child grow to full emotional development when he or she is running on empty? When his or her parents aren’t there to love them? They can’t. They simply cannot grow into whole, functioning humans.

Other Factors

The Church has done a lot of damage over the years and it needed a new way to teach the information needed to connect with God. From that need has arisen the New Age movement, which in some ways has freed people and in other ways has taken people too far away from teachings that would prevent their own self-destruction. The balance has swung too far in the opposite direction and people now feel that they can do whatever they like.

Behind everything is a very sinister thread running within humanity. Almost all of the people who run the world are Satan worshippers and pedophiles. Every engineered movement or problem in society is pre-planned by those people, who usually stand to gain something from it. However, that’s a topic for a different article and is way too complex to get into here.

Engineered Division

What I see throughout western societies is a great divide between what we really need as humans in order to be happy, and what we are led to believe we need in order to be happy. This is largely due to the fact that the family unit has been (purposely) broken down so that parents can’t focus on their children and give them the love that is needed to help them to grow up to become happy, emotionally healthy, well-rounded individuals.

Instead, all the influences around us, which are put in place by those who stand to benefit from the effect that those influences will have on us, make us look outwards for our happiness, planting the idea that we need “stuff”, or the love of someone else, or fame or fortune in order to be happy.

Who Benefits?

Those who stand to benefit are the corporations that want us to buy their stuff. We are conditioned to believe that we have to work 40+ hours a week to earn enough to support ourselves so that we can go out and spend money on all the things that the media tempts us to buy, which will supposedly allow us to be loved and accepted by others because we own all this “stuff”. If the truth of that fallacy be known, other people are too busy working the 40+ hours a week that needs to be worked in order that they too can buy the same “stuff” so that you will then notice and appreciate them! What a load of bullshit that is (‘scuse the Aussie tone to my expression).

Buckminster Fuller says, “We have to do away with that absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to the Malthusian-Darwinian theory, we must justify our right to exist.” I reckon he’s onto something there.

At the very core of it all, the ones who really benefit are those who are trying to take the world to a central control point. They want families divided or eliminated. They want religion to become extinct in the heart of man. When these things have been achieved, the population is more easily controlled.

More Limitations

Another limitation to our lives is that certain professions are paid more than others, and yet all professions take time to learn and effort to do, so why is one any more valuable than another? Then there are legislations created to make sure that nobody charges more than the agreed rate for the services that they provide and the items that they sell. Never mind the fact that women’s work is the kind of work that if not done, would cause society to fall apart.

So how then can the system justify not paying women equal pay to men whenever they provide a similar fundamental service? What makes an hour of a woman’s time any less valuable than an hour of a man’s time? Is the mind more powerful than the body? Is nursing, or cooking, or serving, or caring, any less important than say, being an accountant or a lawyer? I say that it isn’t. Speaking of which, I studied law briefly, concentrating on Common Law mostly but also observing Statutory Law and Admiralty Law. My opinion of lawyers now is that they are trained to use words in a way where their meaning is other than how it appears, but that’s a whole topic for another conversation later.

Being Present

I agree that the level of concentrated effort applied should determine the amount paid for the work done. Measuring the level of concentration would require some sort of energy detection device, which when applied and the results gathered, would be the only time I would agree that there should be a difference in pay. If a person is totally present and is applying themselves to their work, they should be paid more. More than the person next to them is daydreaming as they work. The one who is focused and being more productive should earn more (and this is not dependent upon the age, race or sex of the people whose energy is being assessed).

However, apart from that, there should be far less of a divide between the value of men’s work as compared to women’s. My point here is, there are so many things that prevent us having freedom, because this world is run on a monetary and legislative system that is designed to restrict us. Anyway, I digress. Let’s look again at what causes energetic vampirism and how to avoid it.


In order not to be an energy Vampire, you must be settled in your emotions and be content to live in the present moment, not leaning out into the future or trying to attach yourself to others. The only way to become like this is through inner observation of why you do things.

Jiddu Krishnamurti says: “What will bring peace is inward transformation, which will lead to outward action. Inward transformation is not isolation, is not withdrawal from outward action. On the contrary – there can be right action only when there is right thinking. There is no right thinking when there is no self-knowledge. Without knowing yourself, there is no peace. An Ideal is merely an escape, an avoidance of what is, a contradiction of what is. An Ideal prevents direct action upon what is.

“To have peace, we will have to love. We will have to begin not to live an ideal life but to see things as they are and act upon them, transform them. As long as each one of us is seeking psychological security, the physiological security we need; food, clothing and shelter, is destroyed.

“Some of you will nod your heads and say, “I agree”. You will go outside and do exactly the same as you have been doing for the last ten or twenty years. Your agreement is merely verbal and has no significance. You think that the world’s miseries and wars are not going to be stopped by your casual assent. They will be only stopped when you realise the danger, when you realise your responsibility. When you do not leave it to somebody else. If you realise the suffering, if you see the urgency of immediate action and do not postpone, then you will transform yourself.”

Belief vs Knowing

My spiritual teacher, Stuart Wilde, was Taoist and his teachings have had a huge effect on me. His teachings have become my own beliefs. Also, through experiencing what happens when I apply the things I’ve learned from him, something amazing has occurred. They are not simply just beliefs. I now know certain things to be truth rather than just following someone else’s teachings.

Without a certain moral code in one’s life we are less powerful. Without acknowledging that a Higher Power exists our life has less meaning. Certain laws govern our existence. Without working in harmony with them we will flail around like a ship without a rudder. Of course, that Higher Power is a light, an energy. It flows through us as well as around us, and we can tap into it at any time we want. It’s always there, it’s just that we disconnect ourselves from it.

Our lives become unbalanced and we don’t cleanse our thoughts and purify our bodies. We must alkalise our lives by resisting becoming negative and by working to become good. If we don’t, then we do become Vampires. We create arguments and dramas so that we can get the energetic “hit” we need. Some of us spit hatred out of our mouths at others, we judge, we condemn, we don’t forgive. We become vessels that the demonic operates through, and we willingly let that happen.

True Power

One of the cleverest things ever done in the spiritual battle for man’s soul is that good Churches have been destroyed. Destroyed in a premeditated plot to eliminate humanity’s belief in Satan and his minions. The idea that there isn’t a war between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness is nonsense. It is being perpetrated so that man’s darkness can hide inside his own mind. So that it will not be seen for what it is.

I think it’s a very dangerous thing that people play so willingly into the hands of those forces. Especially when they openly look into the dark crafts and explore how to gain power over others and affect change by casting spells. True power comes from self-discipline, not from trying to control others. There’s a fantastic movie that came out in the late 70s or early 80s called They Live. This movie banned from being shown in the US due to the vast number of truths expressed in that movie. I’ll put the link to it at the end of this article for you.

True power also comes from shining the light of observation into oneself. Just like Jiddu Krishnamurti said in the previous quote above. When you look within yourself at the things that are “less than best”, you bring Light to your own darkness. You start to Know Thyself. Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, is someone whom my own teacher studied most devotedly. He wrote “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”


I find it very interesting that Lao Tzu used the word “enlightened”. To become enlightened would mean to shine a light (in the form of observation) within yourself. By doing so you get to see all that is within yourself that needs healing and fixing. And ridding, in some cases. It’s by turning within that you heal yourself so that you no longer need to suck on the energy of anything external. It is by turning within that you start to know yourself. It’s also the point when you start to know God.

Psalm 82: 6 in the King James Bible says “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.  Luke 17:21 says the Kingdom of God is within. Romans 14:17 says For the Kingdom of God is not meat or drink, but righteousness.   Ramana Maharshi says Your own Self-Realisation is the greatest service you can render the world. All of these teachers are saying turn within, which I have found to be true.

Let’s Not Argue

Personally, I suspect that the Being who was Jesus hasn’t just incarnated once. He was the same Being who incarnated at various times prior to Jesus’s lifetime. He came in order to teach people how to evolve. Now let me step out on a limb here. I say that the same Being has incarnated at least twice that I know of since the time of Jesus. He is a multi-dimensional Being. One who has incarnated into several bodies in order to teach us what we need to learn to evolve.

So, there is a wealth of information available to assist us onto the road less travelled. The one that will lead us to a place where we become human angels. The one where we return to that which we originally were prior to incarnating here. If you want to stop creating drama in your life, then change. If you want to stop being an energetic Vampire, then change. Begin the process of turning within to heal and restore yourself to who you really are. As Stuart Wilde says, “I am the way, the truth and the light and so are you, so let’s not argue anymore.”

Here’s the link to the movie They Live. Enjoy!