


I believe that the feminist movement was not a step forward for women at all. It was orchestrated during the mid 20th century by those who stood to benefit from double income households. All that Feminism did was give women more to do while pushing the price of housing up. Plus it gave the tax departments in each country another source of revenue.

Feminism Created More Problems

Instead of solving the problem of abuse, it merely added to the strain on women. It also divided the family.  The most often remembered prototypes of the Feminism movement are those who have resentment or hatred towards men. There are other feminists who weren’t influenced by the famous women who were chosen to promote the idea of feminism. Women such as Germaine Greer, Gloria Steinem and Adriene Rich. These famous women were given enough media coverage that they could actually influence how other women think. The quiet ones (whom I’m referring to) stand up for the rights of women in a necessary way.

When is Feminism Really Necessary?

.Society has been taught that men are to act a certain way, and women are to subjugate themselves to men.  The Feminists who are needed are those who step in whenever there has been an abuse of power. Either by individual men or groups of men or institutions mostly run by men, such as the police force. Those Feminists are not usually aligned with the same way of thinking that the prototype Feminists have.


My belief is that men and women should be treated with equal respect, but should not be expected to do the same things. A woman’s strengths are different to a man’s strengths, and a good mother who is present for her children is worth more than twenty child care agencies could ever be to a child. She therefore impacts the world by raising a confident, self sufficient human who goes on to function well in society and becomes a leader and/or someone who brings his or her creative talent to the world so that others can benefit.
The Feminist movement of the mid 20th century caused division in the family. It did not cement families together, and it did not address the real individual weaknesses that needed addressing.


If I were to run a country-wide advertising campaign, it would be a campaign of education. One that helped men and women relate to each other better than they do now. It would help them realise that in order to grow closer to the mysterious opposite sex, they have to change themselves. They have to look at themselves with objective introspection and realise when they are being disrespectful, selfish or uncaring and correct that part of themselves. And it wouldn’t be aimed at just one of the sexes – it would be aimed at both.
That would be a far more beneficial ”feminist” thing to do than pushing for women to feel that their career is more important than being a good mum. Or, to try to compete with men if they do have a career. Or, to hate or resent men for the fact that women’s position in society is what it is today due to hundreds of years of mental conditioning that brought us to this point now. Individual men can’t be blamed for that. All that we should be doing is asserting our rights respectfully and pressing towards change in a non-aggressive manner.
MR ©

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