The Strength to Rise after a Fall

♡~♥~♡ It is not how many times we fall that matters, but rather, how many times we get back up again. ~.* ♥ *.~ Update: The first novel in our series of seven is now published, and is a courageous story of a young teen growing up in a home filled with domestic violence, and how she Continue reading


“Remember to follow your heart and go after your dream! There will be people in your life that will tell you that you’re wasting your time. Ignore them. There are things that will happen that will catch you on the blind side and drop you to your knees. Pull yourself together and move past them. Continue reading

Keep the Faith

~♥~ I know sometimes you feel like giving up. Every new day there’s seems to be no change in your life. All the troubles of your heart and worries keep on worsening! You wonder why everything is happening to you. You keep on asking yourself why you’re not lucky like other people. You keep on Continue reading

Trust in the Goodness of Life

Trust in the goodness of life. No one event, circumstance, job, or relationship has the power to define who you are, or who you are yet to become. You are stronger than you know. See yourself beyond this situation, moving past this moment and coming out ahead. Refuse to give in to darkness. You will Continue reading